Hurdsfield Primary School Staff Team
'Only our best (staff) will do'
Senior Leadership Team
Headteacher: Mr Richard Jervis BA (Hons), MA, PGCE
Assistant Headteachers: Mrs. Victoria Norfolk-Wales and Mrs. Sally Brownhill (DSL & SENCO)
EYFS and Phonics Leader: Mrs. Andrea Powell
School Business Manager: Miss Laura Rigby
Core Subject Leaders
Reading Progress Leader: Miss Gemma Smith I Writing Progress Leader: Mrs. Lucy Moores
Maths Progress Leader: Mrs. Victoria Norfolk-Wales I EYFS Progress Leader: Mrs. Andrea Powell
Teaching Teams
Nursery: Mrs. Powell with Miss Hildreth
Reception: Miss Ashton with Mrs. Cowburn and Miss Arnold
Year 1: Mr. Howell with Miss Singleton, Mr Berrisford and Miss Cooper
Year 2: Mrs Newton, Mrs Conoley with Mrs. Clipsham
Year 3/4: Miss Sharples with Mrs. Prendergast and Mrs. Shing
Year 4/5: Miss Smith with Mrs. Armitt and Mrs. Whittaker
Year 6: Mrs. Wales and Mrs. Moores
Pupil Support Team
Vulnerable Pupil Leader including SEND: Mrs Brownhill (DSL)
Attendance & Pastoral Lead: Mrs. Baxter (Mental Health First Leader, ELSA & DDSL)
Non-Teaching Support Staff
School Administrator: Miss Hough
Caretaker: Mr. Hughes
Site Staff: Mrs. Pegg and Mrs Joynes
Lunchtime Staff: Mrs. Joynes, Mrs. Pegg and Ms McLaughlin
Breakfast Club Provision: Mrs. Grant
After School Club: Miss Hildreth and Miss Singleton
Hurdsfield Primary School: Where Only Our Best Will Do!