Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:35am - 3:15pm....................................................Phone: 01625 912 415..........................................................Email: Breakfast Club 7:30am-8:30am.........................................After School Club 3:15pm-4:15pm..................................... Register your interest in our School Nursery for 2-4 year-olds by phoning or emailing our school office...............................................Only Our Best Will Do.................................

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Welcome to Hurdsfield Primary School

Early Reading and Phonics

Why read to your child?

At Hurdsfield, we aim to ensure that all of our children become fluent, confident and engaged readers starting from the first day they arrive in school. Your role as parents and carers is of paramount importance in this process and reading to your child regularly will develop their love of books and also support them to understand the conventions of effective reading.

10 things to think about when you read to your child

Top 10 Tips for effective story reading at home.

How to say the sounds - pure sounds

We teach our children the pure sounds every letter and group of letters make in the English language as soon as they enter school. By teaching these sounds in a systematic and comprehensive way enable our children to recognise sounds, read words and become fluent and confident readers. Below is a video that explains the importance of teaching 'pure sounds'. Please watch the video below.

To help our children to recognise and say the sounds within words, they will be introduced to Fred and the concept of 'Fred talk'. Below are some games you can play with your child so children can 'tune in' to sounds.

Useful Links 
Oxford Owl is a free website built to support you with your child’s learning.  You’ll find age-specific reading and maths tips and activities, eBooks, and lots of fun ideas to really bring your child’s learning to life.  You will also find support and advice on a range of questions you may have – including helping your child with their phonics, motivating boys to read and ensuring your child is doing their best in maths.
This website provides information about the national Bookstart scheme and the Bookstart packs that your child will receive as a baby, a toddler and at age three to four. It also gives information about sharing books with your child. You can find out about Bookstart events in your area, which you can attend with your child.

Hurdsfield Primary School: Where Only Our Best Will Do!
