Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:35am - 3:15pm....................................................Phone: 01625 912 415..........................................................Email: Breakfast Club 7:30am-8:30am.........................................After School Club 3:15pm-4:15pm..................................... Register your interest in our School Nursery for 2-4 year-olds by phoning or emailing our school office...............................................Only Our Best Will Do.................................

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Welcome to Hurdsfield Primary School

Our Attendance Heroes

At Hurdsfield we promote a simple message: great attendance maximizes potential!


It is our clear expectation that every child attends school on time and every day.  This expectation links with our school motto because 'only our BEST (attendance and punctuality) will do' 


We expect every child to be an ATTENDANCE HERO!




  • If your child is regularly late by 5 minutes each day, in a year, your child will lose 3 full days of education.
  • If your child is regularly late by 10 minutes each day, in a year, your child will lose 6.5 days of education.
  • If your child is regularly late by 15 minutes each day, in a year, your child will lose 10 full days of education.
  • If your child is regularly late by 20 minutes each day, in a year, your child will lose 13 full days of education.
  • If your child is regularly late by 30 minutes each day, in a year, your child will lose 19.5 days of education.


Every minute counts:  Your child’s daily attendance at school is essential to their success at school and we are keen to continue to develop every child’s attendance to meet and exceed national expectations.  Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please support our school by promoting awesome attendance at school.


More details on sending yor child to school and the implications for not doing so can be found here: 


  • Average Attendance (Whole School): 94.6% 


  • Whole School Attendance Target: 97%


Thank you to our families for their support in ensuring that we improved our attendance and punctuality statistics from the last academic year.  

Attendance Newsletter 2023-24

Attendance Policy Update Letter (February 2022)

Hurdsfield Primary School: Where Only Our Best Will Do!
