Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:35am - 3:15pm....................................................Phone: 01625 912 415..........................................................Email: Breakfast Club 7:30am-8:30am.........................................After School Club 3:15pm-4:15pm..................................... Register your interest in our School Nursery for 2-4 year-olds by phoning or emailing our school office...............................................Only Our Best Will Do.................................

Hurdsfield Primary School

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Welcome to Hurdsfield Primary School

Online Safety

Promoting Online Safety at Hurdsfield

At Hurdsfield, we recognise that our children are growing up in a world where technology and the internet are part of everyday life.  


We are determined to teach our children about the wonders the internet can offer as well as how they can keep safe in the online world.  Below are a series of links that we feel will support Parents/Carers in making sure their children are safe online.  We teach our children to be Internet 'SMART' and understand the delights and dangers of the internet.

Stay Safe Online - BE SMART

Useful Parent/Carer Factsheets

Useful Websites:

Hurdsfield Primary School: Where Only Our Best Will Do!
