
Hurdsfield Primary School

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Welcome to Hurdsfield Primary School

Hurdsfield Primary School's Admission Process

Admission to Hurdsfield Primary School

All of our school admissions for children starting school, or those transferring from another school, are handled centrally by Cheshire East Council


However, we love showing people around Hurdsfield Primary School and we think it is really important that you come and see us at work to get a feel for our lovely school. If you would like to book an appointment, please contact the school office.


To apply for a school place for your child, please contact Cheshire East Admissions on 0300 123 5012 - if your child is due to start in Reception in the next academic year, you should automatically receive information about how to apply for your child's school place from Cheshire East. If you haven't, please contact them on the number above. 


As a maintained school, we follow the Cheshire East Local Authority Admissions Guidance. Further information can be found by clicking here, or by contacting


Important Dates

If your child is due to start school in September 2024, please make a note of the dates below:

Application Process Starts1st September 2023
Closing Dates for Applications15th January 2024
Offers Released to Parents16th April 2024
Deadline for Accepting or Declining Places30th April 2024
Appeals Application Deadline14th May 2024
Appeal Hearings By 19th July 2024



There is the link to applying for your child's Reception place: HERE

East Cheshire Admissions apply criteria for applications.  The criteria applied (in order) this year were:

  1. Children who are in local authority care or have previously been in care. 
  2. Brothers and sisters living in the same household as children already in the school (up to and including year 5) who expect to stay at the school for the next school year. This includes foster and adopted brothers and sisters, step-brothers and sisters, and half-brothers and sisters.
  3. Children living within the school's catchment area.
  4. For high schools, children who are currently pupils at one of the primary schools the high school works with as a feeder school. 
  5. Children living nearest to the school as measured in a straight line by the National Property Gazetteer. 



Before making your selection, we actively encourage all parents to visit our school to see for yourself what makes our school so special.  Our staff will be available to support you through every step of this process.


Once you have made your decision, any parent may apply for a place by filling in an application form available online:


The 2023 Cheshire East School Catchment areas map indicates the following central area as Hurdsfield Primary School's catchment:

Catchment Area 2023



















Applying for a Nursery Place

Please apply directly to our school via phone 01625 912 415 or email and arrange to visit us to see us in action.

Why do we think you should choose Hurdsfield School?

Hurdsfield Primary School: Where Only Our Best Will Do!
